Friday, June 8, 2007


I do believe we are witnessing a miracle in America. The majority of the people finally having one voice. I seldom agree with the Rev. Al Sharpton but yesterday he and I agreed on the sham of Paris' release and apparently most of the country agrees.

The outcry of this release has created so much noise that the Los Angeles City Attorney has requested the Judge who sentenced her review the reason for the release and Miss Hilton must go back to court today for that hearing. Will justice prevail and will she be returned to jail. I sure hope so. I absolutely cannot imagine what sort of medical problem arose which caused the lead Sheriff of Los Angeles to release her after only 3 days. Los Angeles has three of the best medical facilities available. USC Medical, UCLA Medical and Cedar Sinai Hospital are all within a very short trip to the Jail and I am sure any of the doctors would have been very happy to make a house call to this particular patient.

So we will see this morning if there really is true justice in America for all, or just for the rich. Sad to say, the world is watching this small picky commentary on our judicial system. America is fighting in Iraq so that every person living there has the same rights. The question now for the world to find out is if we here in America really have equial rights for every citizen no matter, race, color or wealth.

I do hope this particular Judge understands the consequences of his decision today. It's a very stupid petty case, but unfortunately the eyes and ears of the world and how they view American justice hangs in the balance.

Put her back in her cell where she should have remained your Honor and show everyone that "We the People" still means what the words imply!!


Joan said... you think Ms. Hilton will show up to court on time today? That would be a first for her!!!

Kelly said...

It really irks me

Joan said...

OK...I just heard that Ms. Hilton will be allowed to sit at home and teleconference her "appearance" in court today. Poor baby...she must be soooooo ill.

Joan said...

News the judge has ordered a Sheriff's car to pick up Ms. Hilton and drag her bony ass to court...OK, I dont think he used quite those terms but you get the idea.

Patti said...

I am trying to stay away from following this today since I am supposed to be working (even though I'm reading blogs) but I'll catch up later on...

The preferential treatment that money can buy is sickening.

the moose buyer said...

Patti, I am not surprised at the amount of attention this has received because the American justice system effects every citizen some way or another and to watch it being so blatently mishandled has everyone ticked off.

By the way, like I wrote in my first blog, she was planning a major release party. Our local radio station said that 250 of her closest friends were supposed to celebrate tonight. Gosh, I hope they have to all fit in her 4 x 8 cell tonight instead.