Thursday, June 28, 2007

Happy Birthday Canada....and me!!

Sunday, July 1st is a very special day for both Canada and me. It's our birthdays - well Canada is a more than a few years older than I am but we both still celebrate the same date. I was born in Canada and until I was old enough to understand it was both our birthdays, my mother had me convinced the fireworks were in celebration of my birthday.

Since moving to the United States, I have made it a custom to fly the Canadian flag for 3 days in honor of our birthdays, then on July 2, I change to the American Flag to celebrate America's birthday.

I live in a senior park. Most of my neighbors are retired, and their prime occupation now seems to be minding the business of the other park residents. The first year I lived in the park and hung the Canadian flag, more than one neighbor casually saundered over for an explanation. They don't seem to mind the strange animal, holiday or seasonal flags our other neighbors fly all year, but another nation's flag drives them to total curiousity. Once I explained the reason to a few of them, the word spread through the park and now every year, it's become an anticipated tradition.

When I pulled into my driveway last night, my next door neighbor was working in his garden. I hadn't seen him since I got back from Iowa. Before I was out of the car, Wayne was in my driveway. He casually glanced over at the empty flag holder then said "not going to hang the Canadian Flag this year?". I smiled and said that I was going to do it Friday morning since the 1st is Saturday. He actually seemed disappointed, so I asked him to wait, went into the closet, pulled out the Canadian flag and popped it into the holder. I am sure he will check bright and early Monday morning to make sure the American flag has replaced the Canadian flag.

It truly warms my heart to give these seniors something to care about. Even more, looking at my beloved Canadian Maple Leaf hanging in the bright sunlight this morning reminds me how lucky I am to share an always special July 1st even though I have to wait until July 4th for the fireworks.


Patti said...

Um, I don't want to sound critical, but Sunday is July 1st.

Happy Canada Day anyway!

the moose buyer said...

Oh my gosh, yes it is. I don't want to age any sooner than I have to and will edit it immediately. I will also take down the flag on Monday!!!!

the moose buyer said...

Thanks Patti for catching it!!! My desk calendar is still on June and for some reason I assumed July 1 was Saturday and obviously didn't look.

Patti said...

you're welcome. I'm glad you are not upset with me.

the moose buyer said...

never!! I am just happy you caught it. Maybe Wayne thought it was too and that's why he asked last night.

Patti said...

that could be!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

happy birthday anyway, even if it is early! seniors are nice, huh? not that i am one or anything. ha ha ha ha

smiles, bee

Lynn said...

I am so glad that you blog...besides the Stanley Cup story, I also did not know that you fly a Canadian flag in honor of your/and Canada's birthdays. What other stories have you 'neglected' to tell your only youngest?

Travelin'Oma said...

Hey, thanks for commenting on my blog. We're planning a research trip for a client, starting in Detroit, then driving to Toronto, Kingston, and Ottawa, and return. We have about 10 days to find the drive through little towns and find old graves, homes, schools, places of business, etc. and piece together a story from a set of dates and legends. Are you familiar with any of these places??

the moose buyer said...

marty when I was in Iowa last week, we also went to a very old cemetary. I loved looking at the old pictures on the headstones.

I love Toronto. Make sure if you can you visit the castle in the middle of the City. Take the City tour, it's one of the best. one of Also the Ottawa parlament buildings. Even from outside they are impressive. Don't know anything about Kingston because I have never been there.

Lynn I have stories but I can't remember what you know and don't know. I would post the picture of the flag but I don't know yet how to download it off the camera or for that matter, even how to post it on the blog.

Joan said...

I'm with come we didn't know about your "flying the Canadian Maple Leaf" tradition. And I know it's still early but "Happy Birthday" to you and your birth country.

the moose buyer said...

Joan, I only fly the Canadian flag for the couple of days before the 1st then switch over to the American Flag. Outside of the Queen's B'day on June 21 I honestly don't know the rest of the Canadian holidays.

I need download and blog lessons cousin..please please.....

Joan said...

So...what kind of lessons are you looking for? Photo downloading??? I'm available...just let me know.

the moose buyer said...

Joan - YES!!!!

I had Carla ship the gifts I bought and I am waiting for them then I will call Lynn and set up a time and let you know. I will leave the pictures in my camera.

Ralph said...

Oh Canada, we stand on guard for thee! About 20 years ago, business took me to Toronto, and I was treated to dinner at the CN Tower. That is up high, and it is slightly disconcerting to be turning while you eat. I was told the lights on the horizon were that of Buffalo, NY...that's how high up you are. I have dealt with Canadians, and find them to be unfailingly polite. When I was a kid (12) our family went deeper in Quebec from Montreal, Ste Adeile I think. Anyway, we were amongst Les Quebecois. For us kids, it was so cool to find local kids who spoke both French and English to translate, watchin PQ TV Ametican shows dubbed in French, etc. It was great! I'd like to go back to the Confederation, it seems a nice place.

the moose buyer said...

Ralph, isn't that the place in Toronto where you can stand on a glass square and look what seems 10 miles down??? I didn't have the guts to stand on the glass just as I wouldn't have the guts to stand on that new thing that sticks out over the grand canyon.

Lynn, Joan and I know Ste. Adelle. We spent many summers about 25 miles south of there in the Laurentians.