Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Before I had my stomach bypass surgery on February 9, 2006, the doctor warned that after 6 months of eating much less than my system was used to, my hair would fall out. This is something every surgeon warns their patients because even with warning, it's still a shock when the hair falls out, especially during washing and big gobs of it are on the drain. It's not only the losing of the hair but the remaining hair lacks protein and really feels more like straw than hair and mine was horrible.

It started falling and changing last September. For 6 months it was the pits. Not only did it feel terrible but I couldn't have it dyed and the grey started really showing in December. I had my first major cut then, trying to get rid of the split ends. I was still afraid to have it dyed for fear of losing whatever was trying to grow back. For the past 2 months, there has been nothing on the shower drain and on my clothes.

Yesterday, I met with my beautician of 14 years. My hair is now back full and healthy. She dyed it my usual color, then cut it back to my old style, eliminating about 4 inches of growth so that it's about a half an inch above my collar. What a relief to return to normal after 9 very long months, and just in time for my trip.

I still have 40 lbs to lose but after losing 140 lbs. and enjoying the return of my hair, losing the last 40 doesn't seem as urgent as it did a year ago, plus I am still losing 3 to 4 lbs per month. With exercise and proper diet, sooner or later the rest will vanish, but for now, when I run my fingers through my hair, my rings don't get caught. That's a very comfortable feeling.


Lynn said...

So happy to hear about the return of your hair. What perfect timing! Now please work on your brother, and his hair!

the moose buyer said...

Do you ever see Frank cutting his hair?? I sure don't. Maybe he thinks he Repunzel

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

that is wonderful news! have fun on your trip!

smiles, bee

Linda said...

First off, thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment - much appreciated!

Second, my best friend out in California had gastric by-pass long ago in 1985 and she had big-time issues with her hair, too. She had thin hair to begin with but with the by-pass it went even thinner to almost nothing. I know it was one of her biggest sources of frustration but I believe she considered it worth it to have lost the weight she did.

Best of luck with your continued weight loss but I wish that for the love of God all you people would stop losing weight as I seem to keep finding it!!

the moose buyer said...

Empress - thanks for your good wishes. I am so looking forward to this trip.

Linda, I hope your friend is as happy with the results as I have been. For the first time in 20 years I can walk into any store and buy clothes off the rack. What a liberating feeling.

Patti said...

glad to hear your hair is full and healthy again ~ you have really been through a lot.

enjoy your trip.