Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Last night our Senior Regent (Women of the Moose name for Chapter president) called a special orientation meeting for as many officers and chairpersons who could attend. 20 women showed up including a couple of past Senior Regents like myself who no longer hold any board position but act as advisors to the Chapter.

Our Senior Regent and Recorder (treasurer who has been a Senior Regent) presented to everyone, member committee lists so that they can contact members and encourage them to visit the lodge. They also encouraged everyone to ask any questions and to give opinions. Boy stuff just spurted out like a water fountain.

So what did we learn. Well first we learned that almost all are as unhappy as I with the direction the Chapter is going. They too are not happy with the gossip, backstabbing and the constant competing. To a women, each new member asked why we can't be more like a family. One of our younger past Senior Regents took the bull by the horns and spoke about the goals of the Chapter, membership (new and retention). She spoke on how the Chapter and each member qualifies for honors and explained to the new members which honors all of us have and what we did to receive them. The entire evening was beyond my belief and I was so excited to be part of it.

The group made plans for future activities, making sure that family activities are covered as well as line dancing, horshoes, cards. They want to do surveys to find out what our members want. We want to have something which appeals to as many members who want to be part of the lodge and chapter. They plan on working with the officers of the men to plan parties and weekend activities.

My energy is renewed and so is my confidence in the future of the Chapter and the lodge. The women I watched last night are energetic and enthusiastic. More important, they love the Chapter and that's what counts the most.


Lynn said...

But what will you do when you move to Iowa?

the moose buyer said...

There are Moose lodges in Iowa which are very successful. The best part is that I can be just a member because no one will know how much Carla and I actually know about the fraturnity except that we both have all our honors.

Joan said...

So many times, organizations cannot seem to find members interested in participating in the planning and implementation of the various activities of the group. Instead, most just want to attend and enjoy in the fun. It's nice to read that your Moose Chapter and Lodge is an exception.

Anonymous said...

Many thanks for your blog. Regarding "Underestimating Our Moose Sisters", It's time our
Chapter had a free for all meeting as well. I don't understand why we all can't pull together and "Get
'R Done".