Friday, May 18, 2007

How Not To Be A Co-Worker

I am so angry here at the office, I can spit and since there is no one here I can talk about it to, I have decided this is blog is a great place to vent.

I am a buyer of components for computer products. There are 3 other buyers. All have been assigned specific commodities to purchase and we are supposed to be the only one who buys the products assigned to us.

One of my co-buyers is an "alpha" buyer. This means she has decided she is much better than the rest of us. She has specifically singled me out as prey. I don't know why but from the day I walked into this company almost 4 years ago, she has treated me like trash (if she treats me at all which is rare). I can count on one hand the times she has been nice, and usually the only time she talks to me at all is to find a way to make sure it's a critical comment. I have no idea why she feels this way and since I only have 2 years of work time left, I almost don't care.

Unfortunately, our immediate boss thinks this woman is a saint and why shouldn't he. She has no friends nor does she have a life outside this company. She comes in early and stays late, and any work related thing he asks of her, she is more than willing to take the time to do. Our VP knows this and he also knows how this buyer feels about me. He and I have worked together before so I try not to use him as ammunitation or a sounding board. I would change jobs but outside of my co-buyer's attitude, it's a pretty good place to work and I really only have 2 years left until retirement.

Now the reason I am furious. I received an E-mail report this morning indicating how some buys were made. When I looked at the sheet, lo and behold, they were my products but I hadn't placed these specific order numbers. SHE had!! Not only that, but I had purchased on Monday per a request from one of the other buyers so obviously SHE never checked that. SHE just decided to order my components either because SHE doesn't have anything else to do (which would be strange because SHE is always complaining about how much work SHE has)or perish the thought, SHE wanted to help me out (NAH). I am so frustrated but there is absolutely no one I can complain to outside of the VP and that would make me sound like a whiner. I intent to keep the paperwork as proof in case my boss decides to question my work ethics. I can show him that I don't have to buy because SHE does it for me.

Well I feel a little better but not much. Only 2 years left. I wonder if anyone will notice that I have started making marks on the wall as the days go by?


Joan said...

You definitely need a countdown clock to help you count the days, hours, minutes and seconds until you're outta there!!!

Lynn said...

I hate people like that. I think that you should 'inform the VP'. Who knows, maybe he will take her out to the parking lot and 'have a talk with her'.

Patti said...

What a horrible person to have to deal with daily! I agree with Lynn that you should inform the person in charge.