Monday, May 14, 2007

A feast for my eyes but not my stomach

Yesterday at our Moose Lodge, the men put on a feast for the Ladies. All women entering the hall received a long stemmed rose and a poem about motherhood on a beautiful card. It was agreed that every female member of the lodge plus their mothers even if they were not members would eat for free. Husbands, fathers and kids paid to eat.

There was plenty of food including omlettes (with crab meat, mushrooms, tomatoes, cheese, onions etc) plus plain scrambled eggs, ham, bacon, sausage, hash browns, bagels with cream cheese and lox, olives and to top it off, strawberry shortcake with homemade whipped cream (one of our Lodge brothers saw Martha Stewart make it on her show and followed her receipe) with both the strawberries and whipped cream piled high to almost overflowing in two huge (20") silver bowls. Everything was perfectly displayed to attract the most attention.

I walked past all the food and realized that none of it appealed to me which means my stomach bypass is still holding strong. I had half a bagel with a little cream cheese and a couple of slices of lox. In the past I might have been sad because I couldn't try everything, but to the contrary, I was very pleased that my by pass surgery over a year ago achieved it's purpose even though my lodge brothers and sisters felt bad for both John who had the surgery in January and me. Everyone who walked by kept trying to give us food but we both chuckled and waved them off.

Ok, so if the food didn't turn me on - what did? The guys did. All 15 of them were dressed in white shirts and black pants. Perfectly spiffy as we used to say. The officer who was seating everyone and pouring the champagne was even wearing his tuxedo. Boy these guys sure clean up nice. I made sure to personally tell each lodge brother not only how wonderful they made mothers day for all of us but especially how handsome each one looked. The grins alone were worth it. I love these guys. I have known most since we formed this lodge 17 years ago. They and their wives and kids are all like close family members. Seeing them all dressed up for us really warmed my heart. I may not have craved any of the food but at least my eyes had the chance to feast on how handsome our guys looked.


Patti said...

It sounds like a wonderful day was had by all.
And the members sound like great folks to know.

Joan said...

I'm so happy to hear that the guys stepped up to the plate in all their finery. And I'm thrilled and proud to know that your resolve about eating right continues more than a year after your gastric bypass surgery...I bet those pounds continue to slide off!

Anonymous said...

Patti - the members of the Moose lodge I belong to are really dedicated to the Moose program which is an orphanage town in Illinois called Mooseheart. They are also dedicated to our lodge and most of the time great fun to hang around with.

Joan, I am still doing the food thing, I just can't seem to do the exercise thing so while I am still dropping weight, it's by little pounds, not the bulk I did last year. Maybe one day soon........

Lynn said...

Glad you are doing so well...I think the exercise thing, or avoidance thereof, might just be genetic...