Thursday, May 10, 2007


Tomorrow, May 11th is my brother's birthday. He is 2 years and 9 months younger than me. I don't remember a lot from that year, except one thing. Well, to be honest, it's not his birth I remember but the excitement of getting a new "grown" up bed (obviously because the new kid coming in was taking the crib). I had the same bed for 18 years until I left home and moved to California. When my parents moved here years later, I was upset that my mom sold the bed before they left Montreal, and to this day, I wish I knew who bought it. I would love to buy it back but, unfortunately my mom never told me who bought it and now it's too late.

I don't remember ever being jealous like some children are when there are new siblings. One of the reasons I would love to have the bed back is right down the middle of the large headboard there is a long scratch. When we were about 9 and 6, Frank and I were playing war on the bed and I scratched the line to show his side and mine. I remember getting my first spanking for that one. Frank was the disobedient child and most of the future attention was given to him. While he was in high school, my mom spent more time at the school than he did. He was too busy hustling pool games for money. While I was the one smoking in my teens, my dad automatically assumed it was Frank. The kid never finked on me. When we were kids, Frank was the one who cooked breakfast for us each morning so that my mom could sleep in. He is still an excellent cook. We were close as kids and 60 years later, we are close as adults even though we live 3000 miles apart, and Frank travels for his employer most of the year.

Next month, both of us will be in Iowa looking at property. In a couple of years, we will be living close together again and I can't wait. He is still the kid I grew up with. Sometimes silly, sometimes serious but always loving. He was my aunt's favorite and still is. My cousins and I think it's because he is the only male cousin, but it's more than that. It's his friendly, mischevious side everyone loves. and even though his hair is grey, he still has the heart of that little sneaky kid.

So happy 61st bro. Thanks for getting me that new bed 61 years ago, thanks for taking dad's flack about smoking and most of all, thanks for just being the super brother you are.


Patti said...

This post kinda sounds like a personal message to your brother, but I thought I would leave a comment to tell you I enjoyed reading.
Keep blogging!

Lynn said...

Thanks for sharing a bit of your growing up experiences with Frank...It was nice to get a peek into your growing up time. Oh, and Frank, if you read this...happy belated birthday...When are you going to come for a visit?

Joan said...

I remember as a child being jealous because you had a brother and I didn't. And I also remember visiting one time and finding certain "forbidden" magazines under the mattress in your teenage brother's bedroom...and "no" we were not snooping...they were peeking out from the bed and Lynn and I just had to find out what they were. :~D

Happy belated birthday Frank!

Anonymous said...

patti - it wasn't really personal because my brother knows how we all feel about him. I am not happy that he is 61 though.

Lynn - keep working on him to visit. Mom would love it.

Joan I had no idea he had those kinds of magazines. I thought he was too busy working the pool halls.