Thursday, May 24, 2007

I need to take what for a tornado alert???

My brother and I will be traveling to visit friends who live in a small town called Bondurant (1800 people) in Iowa in 3 weeks and unlike my cousin Joan who makes lists of what to pack 4 months in advance, I have just begun to consider what to pack.

Spring has hit Iowa with a bang the past two weeks. It's been hot and muggy with rain, thunder and lightening storms. Anyone who knows me well, knows that thunder and lighting scare the poop out of me but I was willing to put up a brave front as long as I have ear plugs and eye covers.

This week, however, I have been informed that there have been tornado warnings. I have never seen a tornado. Canada is definitely not tornado country and southern California has not had rain much less tornados.

So while I am considering what to pack for this trip, I am wondering what does one wear in anticipation of a tornado? The only tornado experience I have seen over and over again is my all time favorite movie starring Dorothy. I would considering packing a bicycle with a basket on the back (in case I come across a small dog). I could pack an ugly hat and a long black dress like Miss Gulch wore. If I could find one, I would pack a little blue and white gingham dress but maybe these things only apply to tornados in Kansas. Maybe the people in Iowa dress differently for tornados. I sure don't want to look like a tourist to the fine people of Bondurant while we are sitting in the tornado shelter.

Oh well, I will just toss whatever fits me into my suitcase and hope I don't shock anyone. Better yet, I will just keep praying for the next 24 days that when I get to Iowa, the tornado Gods will be moving south just in time to begin the hurricane season, and just be grateful that I don't have to wonder what to wear for hurrican alerts.


Anonymous said...

I'm from Kansas and when I headed for the "storm cellar" because a "cyclone" was headed for Salina, sure enough I was wearing a "flour sack" dress and was barefoot. It was dank and dark and I imagined all the creepy crawlies but the sight throught the pipe that went above ground was the best. You'll do just fine!

the moose buyer said...

Carol, Carla says that so far they haven't had to head for the shelter but in case we do, not to wear a skirt. I guess a skirt would have the same effect as the fly Nun's hat and send one flying off into the sunset.

Anonymous said...

Do not forget your Ruby slippers.

Patti said...

My favorite movie too ~ I cannot watch it without instantly tearing up.

Have a fun trip!

Joan said...

So tell me again why you want to move to Iowa?!?!?! Thunder and tornadoes...somehow I cant see you spending your entire retirement under your bed cringing at the booming sounds of weather.

the moose buyer said...

Joan, you know one reason is that's is more affordable than California but the second is that it's in the country and can be a summer vacation place for my two favorite cousins and their families. Can't you just imagine 10 running across the fields in wild abandonment just like we did when we were kids.