Friday, November 30, 2007

The sweet sound of rain

It's 6:00 in the morning, I am dressed and ready to leave for work at 7:00. The reason I am so up and at 'em is because it's actually seriously raining, and the sound woke me up at 4:00. We in southern California haven't heard this sweet sound for about 2 years. We have had some rain but nothing like we have today, where the sound is strong.

Naturally, as desperately as we need the rain, it could bring problems for the areas so recently destroyed by those horrible fires. The ground has absolutely no cover to protect the earth and too much hard rain will cause floods down the hills, and on to the roads, so what we really need is something gentle but continuous. It's only going to last today and the weather people predict no more for at least 7 days.

So, I will leave this blog and go to my front window and just watch the drops hit the pavement. I will savor this picture for as long as it lasts, then get in my SUV, and thank God for the free car wash. Hopefully, this precious liquid will allow ground cover to grow on the fire damaged hills and bring some green to an otherwise brown and beige landscape. We have absolutely lived with these two colors for far too long.


Lynn said...

Amen to that! My first thought when the rain came what yipee!

Carole Burant said...

How wonderful that you're finally getting some rain but as you explained, too much of it all at once can also have its devastating effects! Over here all we see is white, we got snow again today! lol xox

Joan said...

When I got up in the middle of the night and heard the "plink, plink" of rain on our awnings I was thrilled. Driving in it turned out to be treacherous yesterday but it was well worth the effort. I'm ready for more!

Ralph said...

And to think that is raining as well in Phoenix!