Thursday, November 8, 2007

So Far So Good Here at Work

Well it's been almost a week since my work mentor left and so far it's been a pretty good week. We had our first staff meeting Tuesday. Turns out my company is going "green" and our manager presented all the things management is going to do to change our way of thinking. The first thing we are giving up is the bottled water which has been provided and the styro cups we have been using for our hot drinks. The company has purchased special green water bottles and ceramic cups for each employee. Our tap water will be filtered so we will be reusing the new cups and bottles. We have also been given "recycle trash cans" to toss all paper into along with ones for cans. Together with those items, our company will be offering the chance to win gifts to those who carpool and names will be drawn every month. This company gives out pretty good gifts like I-Pods and other goodies so I for one am very happy that I car pool with one of our other buyers. There are other incentives to save the planet which will be announced in the future. It was a fun calm meeting with no work discussion.

As far as my co-buyer goes, so far so calm. Maybe she was intimidated by our V.P. but she seems a little less hostile, and I even got her to chuckle (very small one) this morning so maybe just maybe...... I can hope it will be better, but I can only wait and see what happens.


Lynn said...

Glad to hear that the meeting went well. An ipod...egads...I want to work for your company. All I get from mine is stress...lots and lots of stress. sigh

Patti said...

That's good the meeting went well, Moosie.
Did they ever think of all the water and soap needed to wash those ceramic mugs?
Or am I getting too political here?

the moose buyer said...

Patti, yes, there were quite a few jokes going around about the water and soap. I forgot to mention that we are also double siding our prints if there is more than one page. I guess every little bit counts.

Lynn, I am sorry about your pay fiasco and very happy I am not a Government employee of any kind. It's good to be a Canadian!!!

Midlife Mom said...

Good for your company for going green! I think we are going to see a whole lot more of that in the near future. I hope you win an Ipod, they are great. I love mine for traveling. They even block out the noise of crying babies on airplanes! Sorry that your mentor left for another job. I hope your co-worker doesn't take advantage of that and start being a pain again. Kill her with kindness my mother would say! You said you are a buyer, what do you buy?

I rode Buddy today for the first time since he foundered in May!!! Yippee! Oh happy day! It was for only about 20 minutes but that was a good start. The vet okayed it and said it would be good for him. Thanks for all your nice comments and concern about him!!! :o)

the moose buyer said...

Midlife - did you wear your helmet while riding Buddy like you were supposed to???

Ralph said...

Well like the saying goes, Buyers are not easily PO'd

Joan said...

I'm happy to read that "so far, so good." I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this calm remains and that no storms develop.

Oh...and can I come work for your company because I still don't have an I-pod...wink, wink.

the moose buyer said...

Joan - I have been here 4 and a half years and during Christmas and other times of the year the company has pulled employee names for gifts. Does the fact that I have never won anything tell you something. I do have more than a few company shirts which is very nice because it save a lot on clothes.