Thursday, July 19, 2007

Things still to learn at my age

I am honored to be nominated for an award by Patti. Unfortunately, I still have no idea how to post this award on my blog. I also have no idea how to post pictures, or other interesting do dads. In short, outside of writing, I don't know how to do diddily, and it's frustrating he heck out of me. Now my cousins Joan and Lynn on the other hand are quite adept at this. The only reason my moose picture is on my blog is because Joan put him there. She also found the wonderful picture on top. I am sure Joan is feeling sorry for me, and one of these days, she and I will get together (we do live a distance apart) so she can teach me how to do all these great things which all of you are able to create and I envy so. I ask all of you to be patient with me. One of these days my Canadian flag might appear, and I hope to be able to add some pictures taken at our Moose Family center's Hawaiian shinding last weekend.

The other thing I have always envied and wanted to learn is how to whistle so that it can be heard a distance away. A few of our Moose Chapter members can do this without any effort at all. Some use their fingers and some don't. On Saturday night, one of our state officers whistled loudly using her fingers. I told Carol that I always wanted to learn how and she showed me what, in her words, was a simple way to do it. I have been practicing for 4 days. Most of the time all I get is dribble down my chin, but once in a while a very shrill whistle will come out so it's obvious I am doing something right some of the time. I will continue to practice (in my home bathroom where I no one can see or hear) and, hopefully, I will be able to remove this item off my "wish to learn" list. When I next see Carol in February of next year, I hope to be an expert.

So stick with me folks. Sooner or later I will learn the tricks of blogging which you all have mastered and the way to whistle which Carol has perfected. It takes me a while to learn new things but I promise to make an effort. Hopefully one day soon I can show all of you the world as my camera sees it (after I learn how to download the camera)!!!


Lynn said...

You crack me up. Let's arrange for you to come over one day, and I will show you what I know how to do...which I think is less than Joan knows...but I'm learning;~)

the moose buyer said...

well you still know a heck of a lot more than I do. You can post awards and pictures. I loved the one with you 10 and 12 with your back to the camera.

If you can whistle with your fingers I will be very very jealous.

Linda said...

This whole blogging process is something that a person learns over time through trial and error - lots of trial and error! Come to think of it - lots and lots of trial and error!

If you have the time, Blogger has some pretty good tips that you can check out and they will walk you through how to post pictures and badges and all that good stuff.

Thankfully there are lots of people out there who help out those of us who are HTML-handicapped!

Good luck and congratulations on your awards, too!

Linda said...

Oh - and I can't whistle with my fingers either! I have NEVER been able to master that skill!

the moose buyer said...

Linda - thanks for your encouragement regarding the blog challenge.

I have to admit that while I am practicing how to whistle, I really feel foolish with all the liquid I am spitting out. That's why I practice alone in my bathroom.

Ralph said...

The main thing to do with a blog is to write...I have learned by now, like Linda said, is trial and error. I have been trying to learn how to add my picture to the comments...I may get it yet...

Patti said...

Moosie: I try to encourage you. Notice Ralph just got a photo up tonight to go with his comments. I still don't have one.
And I never could whistle loudly, or with my fingers.

Next you will be lamenting the fact that you can't cross your eyes or wiggle your ears.

I can't do any of that.

Michele said...

Congratulations on the award... I can't wait to see what you can do with your blog after a few lessons! You're gonna be better that the whole lot of us eventually, well at least me for sure!

Anonymous said...

You are doing great! I also sat in MY bathroom trying to learn to whistle and involving a lot of spittle. But I didn't want to stand on the porch hollering my kids names when it was time for them to come eat. Two short blasts and they were home. Remember to semi-curl the tip, start with a soft blow and increase as you wiggle your finger tips up and down. It WILL work! Just be patient.

the moose buyer said...

Thanks for the encouragement Carol. I promise to keep trying. Last night I was showing Debi what I learned and I got one loud blast and scared everyone in the social quarters.