Monday, July 23, 2007

Of course I too am reading Harry Potter

I am up to page 126 having started the book yesterday afternoon My sister actually brought the book up Saturday morning but I had a ton of things to do plus even though I would have loved nothing more than just diving into the book Saturday night, I attended the 50 wedding aniversary of some Moose friends instead, and when I got home, I was too pooped to read. I started reading yesterday afternoon but decided to put the book down in time to watch 60 minutes. I never made it through the entire show and the next thing I knew it was 11:30. Too late to read, especially when I had to go to work this morning.

I read the first issue of Harry Potter and the Sourcerer Stone in the summer of 2000 having been introduced to Mr. Potter by my Godson Kyle age 13 who was visiting from Vermont. The third issue was due to be released while he was visiting and I promised his mom that Kyle and I would stand in line waiting at midnight for the release. When we got to our local Borders at 10:00 PM, I was shocked at the number of people, both kids and adults patiently waiting for the "magic" hour since up until Kyle arrived, I had never even heard of the Harry Potter books The store had a magic show and other entertainment scheduled to keep the kids occupied so while one hundred or so parents and I waited in line, I received my first lessons in the magic of Harry Potter and why so many were interested. Once Kyle and I got the chance to buy book 3, I bought a copy for him plus books 1 through 3 for me. Kyle and I both stayed up all night reading. I finished book one before morning and I have been hooked ever since.

So here we are at the end of this excellent series. I haven't seen Movies 4 or 5 yet. I actually enjoy reading more than seeing but sooner or later they will be on television and I will watch them just as I have watched the first 3.

Tonight I will go home and hopefully get the chance to do some reading before I fall asleep but no matter, there is plenty of time to read the last chapter of this wonderful series. I have not enjoyed reading as much as I would like and my thanks go to J.K. Rowling for allowing all us of to share her fantastic imagination. Good for you Joanne!!!


Joan said...

Happy reading!!!

Lynn said...

I'm done. Will probably read it again just to be sure I didn't miss anything. Enjoy...oh, and be sure to have some tissues handy...I'm not saying why...just have them available.

Patti said...

happy reading Moosie.... Kid 2 finished it on Sunday, and handed it over to his sister.
So Kyle must be 20 now, right?

the moose buyer said...

No, unfortunately Kyle my sweet angel died by his own hand 4 years ago July 30th when he was almost 17. It was during the time when kids were testing the flat line theory to see what it was like to be almost unconcious by hanging themselves and it's thought he passed out before he could revive himself and died. Kyle didn't leave a suicide note plus when I spoke to him just the day before he was trying to talk me into going to Vermont for his September birthday, which leads us to believe it was a horrible accident.

I was lucky enough to have shared in his upbringing until they moved to Vermont when he was 7. I was the one who read to him when he was too young to read, and he spent the summer before he passed away with me in California. As I indicated in this blog, reading the Harry Potter books and discussing them was one of the wonderful experiences I had with Kyle and I consider myself a very lucky woman to have shared this child's life.

Cherie said...

It's so sad about Kyle. He was so fortunate to have you for his mom, and you for having him for 17 years.


Rick Rockhill said...

its such a good read...I'm only up to page 160 on HP. wish I had more time to read through it. But I hope to make some progress tonite