Friday, July 13, 2007

Big Moose weekend coming up

Our Women of the Moose Chapter has been given the honor of hosting a California/Nevada function this weekend. All week while I should have been concentrating on my paying job being a buyer, my mind has mentally been at our Moose Family Center making plans to help carry it off, hopefully without a hitch.

In the Moose organization, there are honors which can be achieved by volunteering to accept positions within each Chapter. The Senior Regent (President) can achieve what's called the "College of Regents" degree if for two years, the Chapter accomplishes all the goals set by Mooseheart including all the reports done correctly, enrolling enough members plus community service. The highest degree of the Women of the Moose is called the "Star Recorder" degree. This means that the person has accepted the position of Recorder (basically the accountant of the Chapter" and all proper paperwork has been properly submitted, the monies received by the Chapter for all year balance to the penny and the Chapter has received the award of achievement signifying that EVERYTHING has been done correctly.

I am pleased to say that I am one of the members who has achieved all my honors and this weekend, only others from California and Nevada who have achieved the same honors have been invited to attend a very special weekend session at our Moose Family Center. We expect about 70 women to attend.

Our theme is going to be Hawaiian and today we will decorate with posters and signs. After the informative and fun day session tomorrow (9:00 to 3:00 including games and door prizes), we will be having a wonderful Hawaiian dinner (our lodge members, men and women have also been invited), after which we will have Hula lessons (with the necessary grass skirts) then a contest with prizes for the winners. It's going to be a blast (this is the 2nd time we have sponsered such an event - the last time 3 years ago had a marti gras theme). We had so much fun that when we were asked this year if we would be willing to do it again, everyone jumped at the chance.

There is so much to do for this weekend event. Hotels for those coming from distant locations had to be arranged, two breakfasts, Saturday lunch, door prizes were acquired, goodie bags for each woman who attends, plus all the dinner arrangements. As I said, I have been working with others not only in our Chapter but via E-mail with the other state planners to pull this off.

So we start tonight filling the goodie bags (note pads, pens, Hawaiian fans, candy plus other things being brought down by other ladies, then at 6:30 tomorrow morning we will get the continental breakfast ready for everyone and registration will start at 8:00. I am so excited I can barely stand it, mainly we will have a chance to visit with other members we really don't have too many opportunities to see (outside of the 2 conventions a year) because they live so far away.

So I am ready to go over to our local warehouse store to pick up plastic plates with matching napkins of course, and head over to our Moose family center to decorate the hall. The food has been gathered by others all week so we are almost ready for a super shinding.

Stay tuned for Monday's report!!!


Patti said...

sounds like a fun time ahead - party hearty!

Joan said...

Whew...I'm exhausted just reading about your Moose weekend. I'm sure everyone will have a terrific time and your Chapter will be highly praised for all the work you and your fellow Lodge members did to make it a huge success.

Michele said...

Sounds like loads of fun... can't wait to hear the update of the events!!