Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Is this really a Happy Birthday America???

Well, the Canadian flag I had up in front of my home is down and the American flag has taken it's place. Since it's not Flag day or Memorial Day and I am off work, it must be July 4th. Next to July 1st (for obvious reasons), July 4th is one of my favorite holidays and has been since I moved to this great country 43 years ago.

I may not agree with everything America does (both Joan and Lynn's husbands and I have had many conversations). Having been born in Canada which is a very peace loving country (I always joke that Canada has only 3 helicopters, maybe a boat or two, possibly 4 military airplaines and a lot of horses for the Mounties) I am not a big fan of the war. It upsets me that America and Britain's children are dying in Iraq, a country which doesn't seem to hold the value of life as we know it. I admit I will never understand the attitude of the suicide bombers. I don't care that they want to kill themselves for 72 virgins in Heaven they believe will be waiting for them, but taking all those innocent people with them is just not right.

My brother who actually is still a Canadian works for am American company which makes military hardware. He was in Vietnam through the 60's, Iran through the 70's, Afganistan and now finds himself spending too much time in Iraq. When the war began, Frank said that President Bush did not understand what we were committing to. He said then that Iraq was a war like Vietnam but without the trees and knowing the psychi of the Iraqui people, he described what would happen once Sadaam was gone and others would do horrible things to rid Iraq of those who try to bring peace. To the letter of his description almost 5 years ago, we are facing exactly what the told me. This is a tribal war which has been going on for 3000 years. Nothing will change their attitude and sooner or later our soldiers will leave Iraq having accomplished nothing and another dictator will come to power and life in Iraq will go on as it has for another 3000 years.

So I wish this wonderful country a happy birthday and pray that all our beloved soldiers are back here with their familities who love them to celebrate our next July 4th. Please God, let our children come home soon!!!

1 comment:

Michele said...

I hear and understand what you are saying and I pray that the soldiers as well come home for the next July 4th celebration. Great post.