Sunday, July 1, 2007

Happy Birthday To Me......

Today is my 64th birthday. I mention my age because for a lot of years, birthdays have filled me with sadness not joy. Until this year, the thought of getting older was not a pleasant thought because for 20 years, I was extremely overweight, never had enough energy to accomplish anything and looking back, even though I seemed to accept the weight and maybe even justify it, there was always a sadness in the back of my mind.

Last year I had my stomach bypass surgery. Even though I still have about 40 lbs to lose, I have lost 144 lbs. I was able to fly to Iowa, sit as comfortable as one can in a 15 inch seat, and for the first time in a VERY long time didn't have to suffer the embarrassment of asking the flight attendant for a seat belt extender which alone filled me with joy.

Over the past year, family and friends have commented on how great I look and while it's great receiving the compliments, it's not the most important result of this wonderful surgery. I now have a bounce to my step and having run through two airports last week without dying, I finally realize how much I have missed all those years, and I am very grateful for another chance.

When I was in Iowa, I was able to plan a future. When I carried all that weight and suffered from diabetes and high blood pressure, the future was uncertain. The diabetes is gone, my blood pressure is normal, and no longer are pills part of my daily routine. For the first time, shopping for clothes isn't a chore to dread but something to look forward to.

So this 64th birthday is the beginning of a new outlook for me. I can now plan a future including retirement, spending time with my family, especially my brother, good friends and just experiencing life at it's fullest.

Yes, I would definitely say life is good and this is indeed a very happy birthday.


Michele said...

Oh wow... your birthday is today and everybody in Canada is celebrating... how cool is that! Happy birthday to you!! I hope you are enjoying yourself and thanks so much for the kind words on my blog!

the moose buyer said...

Michele I grew up in Canada and until I was old enough to realize my mom was pulling my leg, she had me convinced the fireworks every year were for my birthday. It is indeed a very joyful day for both Canada and me.

Joan said...

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Only Oldest
Happy Birthday to you!

And many many more...

Patti said...

What an uplifting post!

Happy Birthday Moosie!
And many happy returns of the day.

Hope you don't mind me calling you Moosie.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Youngster! You have a long way to go, thank God! I am so glad you are going to be among us long enough to be a great example for many, many people. Your attitude needs to be spread around.
Just know that the bounce will get higher and higher! Love ya.

the moose buyer said...

Joan it's truly an honor to be called your "only oldest". Thanks for not commenting on the smoking for today at least.

Patti, no I don't mind being called Moosie at all. For the record though, my given name is Ina.

Carol, thanks for the good thoughts. I can't wait to see you in two weeks. It's going to be a blast!!

Ralph said...

Bonne anniversarie, as the might say in PQ. I can't see age itself as an issue, the number of years means little, but how you feel, your outlook is what counts. Besides, as per you blog on Friday, you are one year closer to escaping manufacturing once and for all!

Lynn said...

Happy birthday to you cha cha cha.
Happy birthday to you cha cha cha.
Happy birthday, Only Oldest cha cha cha.
Happy birthday to you cha cha cha.
And many more, on channel 4.
And Scooby-doo on channel 2.
And all the rest on PBS...
well you get the idea...happy birthday;~)

Patti said...

Thanks for telling us your given name.
Of course some people around here already know it.

Hope your birthday was fun!

Anonymous said...

Everyone, thanks for the birthday wishes.

Ralph, I knew you would understand Friday's blog once you said you were in Purchasing, although it's not much prettier for the sales dept either.

Patti, yeah, Lynn and Joan already knew my given name but I had it a long time before either of them came along to join Frank and I. They are such kids!!! I had a great birthday with my daughter, son-in-law and grandkids. Maybe one day I can figure out how to post pictures.

Lynn, I appreciate the birthday words. Being the "only oldest" is now an honor but I have to admit it wasn't always so.

Patti said...

We want pictures! I didn't know you were a grandmother!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, a day late. I love your new outlook on life.

Midlife Mom said...

Happy Birthday! What a wonderful post! You have my most sincere admiration for having your surgery and losing all of that weight! What a wonderful feeling that must be and you wrote about it so well. That bounce in your step is such a fantastic reward for all the hard work you have done! Good job!!!!!

the moose buyer said...

Patti, if I ever know as much as Joan, I will post the pictures. Right now, I don't even know how to download them out of the camera.

Midlife, I have to admit it's been very easy following the program since the surgery. A stomach which only holds 2 oz really hurts if I over do it and to be honest, now I am never really hungry and just eat for fuel.

Cherie said...

This post buoyed me up more than you can imagine. I struggle with the weight thing, too, and am working my way down. Long way to go, but your post here and your fine attitude have encouraged me. You let me know what lies ahead, what I am missing.

Happiest of Birthdays to you!!

And thanks a million!

"He who reforms himself does much toward reforming others." I forget who said that, but you have proven it true.

Anonymous said...

Hi - Happy birthday a couple of days late. What a great outlook you have.

Thanks for visiting my blog - hope you'll come back again. I'll be back!