Each year I spend Christmas Eve with some very close friends (he is a buyer also, she is a nurse). Usually their son and daughter-in-law are also there but this year the kids were invited to visit family in Florida so it was just the three of us. We had a super time and of course great food.
This year was also a cause for celebration because their son won his 2nd Emmy in two years as one of the editors of a daytime T.V. show (can't remember which one). Last year he offered to let me have a picture holding the Emmy but we forgot to do it before I left, so this year we made sure to take the picture before dinner.
In 1969, the company I was working for, one an Academy Award for creative lighting of a movie set (The Molly MacGuires was about a mine strike and required special lighting for the mine scenes) but no pictures were taken of the employees holding it (maybe they didn't want it fingerprinted to death).
So here I am holding not one but two beautiful Emmys. They weigh about 10 lbs each. Seeing them on TV or in pictures doesn't do them justice. You cannot imagine how absolutely gorgeous they are, and I can understand why these and the Academy Awards are not only coveted to prove the quality of one's work but also for display.
I sure wish at least one was mine to take home but alas I have no creative talent whatsoever so I will just have to be happy for the chance just to hold them and be grateful for the picture to prove it.
Wow...I got to go to the Oscars one year; you get to hold two Emmys. Are we famous???
How nice to get to HOLD two emmys! I think that MUST mean that you and Joan are famous! heehee!
I am so glad they gave you another Ipod, how nice! I use mine a lot especially when flying. It drowns out all the crying babies and loud talking men! ha! Also glad you had such a nice time with your friends on Christmas Eve. Good friends are priceless!! xoxo
See the rewards of working hard and not calling attention to yourself all those years...you will reap the rewards (and the photo as proof...)
Sounds like a lovely Christmas Eve -
and those Emmys are impressive!
Patti, they are heavier than I thought they would be and so very shiny. The kid who won them is only 27 years old. He has only been doing this 3 years and editing isn't even what he wants to do. He really wants to be a scriptwriter for TV or movies.
Midlife -unfortunately being famous means owning them, not just
holding them for a picture.
Neaters... that would be cool to pose with 2 emmys. Lucky you!!
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