Monday, December 10, 2007

A Legacy Of Love

I went into Frank's obituary page Saturday where friends and family can leave messages. There are 5 pages of messages and they made me cry. Most say how much he meant to these people and how much they will miss him. What better legacy is there for a person, but to be remembered by so many with love and respect. It's just too bad that his sons will never be able to appreciate who their father was and how much he meant to so many people. It's obvious his was not a wasted life. How can I not be proud to say I was Frank's sister?

There is a way to order a book which includes all the messages left, and I think I will do just that so our family will have a rememberance to keep. I will wait until just before the obituary expiration date so that as many are included as possible. I have asked family members to write messages as well as friends in Iowa who got to know him in June.

It's now time to move on with my life, return to work and get on with living. I can only hope when my time has come to be with Frank and my parents, I too will have touched people's lives in such a manner, and receive the same type of loving messages.


Midlife Mom said...

So sad that Frank's sons didn't realize what a great father they had. I hope they read all the condolence messages and see all the wonderful things that people had to say about their father. My thoughts are still with you, Lynn and Joan and I hope you can heal and keep the happy memories in your hearts always.

Lynn said...

"Your time" in the way, way distant future, right? I'll have mom and I write something in the book, when things quiet down here:~)

Patti said...

Maybe someday your nephews will come to their senses and realize what a wonderful man their father was.

Hold tight to the happy memories.

Ralph said...

The conventional wisdom is that a death brings out the worst in people. But the worse things are put in perspective when the wonderful outpouring of the love of everyone else occurs. Those that loved and admired Frank were far more numerous. Those that cared count for far more...

Joan said...

Trust have and you will.

Midlife Mom said...

Just me again checking in on you. Hope you are doing okay and getting some rest after such a hard week. xoxo

the moose buyer said...

Midlife, thanks for asking. I am doing fine actually. My brother had a very fullfilling life and many friends. I treasure the time we had together. Getting over his what his son did at the end is the toughest part.

Ralph, you are right of course. I have always believed you reap what you sow. Maybe someday his son will get what he deserves.

Michele said...

Hi Moose, I'm sorry for not coming around lately. I hope you are doing well. I've been thinking lots about you especially with your stressful month. Hope you are hanging in there!
Sending you tons of Canadian Maple flavored hugs and kisses your way!