Thursday, February 1, 2007


This Sunday is one of my favorites yet saddest days of the year. It's Superbowl Sunday. I love football and this is the most exciting day but it also means the end of the season which makes me very sad indeed. I don't have a favorite team since L.A. doesn't have one so I just enjoy the game and the commercials.

Our Moose Lodge really knows how to celebrate Superbowl Sunday. We have more than a few pools going (usually anywhere between 20 and 30) and a ton of free snacks and food. Before I had the bariatric surgery, I would feast like everyone else. In fact last Superbowl sunday was 5 days before my surgery and my last real feast. This year I will have to watch what I eat and more important how much I eat. No fancy snacks and absolutely no sandwiches - just veggies and maybe a little chicken.

This doesn't deminish the day for me in any way. I love doing the pools (I am one of the money takers)watching people trying to pick their squares like it makes a difference which ones they pick, and deciding how much to spend. They pick a few and absolutely swear they won't be back for more then the moment we open a new pool, they are back for more apologizing like it's my money they are spending. Basically it's not just the game, the excitment, the food I love. It's people watching which is the most fun.

One more thing, it's even more fun when I win money on the pools so I look forward to a fun day (even without gorging on food) spending a great day with my friends, taking their money and hoping that I am a big pool winner. Do I have a preference which team wins. My brother wants the Colts to win so I guess I will root for his money too.


Lynn said...

I didn't know that you were interested in football! And what were you thinking...two blogs in one day??????? From football to politics...from Moose to Colts...what a well rounded person you are!!!!!

Joan said...

I'm being selfish...I'm just rooting for myself NOT to consume hundreds of calories from every evil food group...salty, crunchy, get the idea. I know it's only one day a year but it's a doozy when it comes to snacking. Wish me luck.