Monday, February 5, 2007


Well, it over and done. The Colts won and outside of the pro bowl, the football season is over and I am quite sad. How quickly both the college and pro season flashed. Just yesterday it was August and the pre-season games were just starting and now it's February and done. The highlight of the year of course was my favorite team USC Trojans beating Michigan at the Rose Bowl and being named number 2 in the country. It would have been a little sweeter to have them play for the number 1 spot at the Orange Bowl against either Ohio or Florida but there is a long tradition with the Rose Bowl and it's always sweet to have the team beat any of the big 10 teams.

Yesterday, was a great day. My Moose lodge sponsored a fun day starting at noon, with lots of good food supplied by our Ladies (we had two tables full of finger food before the game then during half time, the left over food was removed and entire new dishes filled the two tables again). We had many opportunities to lose one's money and the line to do so lasted until 15 minutes before the game when we closed it down (the point is to watch the game) and still people complained. True to form this year as in years past, many poured over the squares trying to pick just the right one (or ones) and more times than I care to admit, they would declare they were done spending money, only to show up 10 to 15 minutes later asking if any more pools had been opened. People continue to amaze me. We have been doing this so many years and I never get tired of people watching. I love to watch the people pile so much food on their plates, they have trouble carrying them without toppling over. Now I wonder to myself if I was like that before having the bariatric surgery (yesterday I had 4 chicken wings and 4 pieces of shrimp at half time and a cold hot dog without the bun after the game). I hope people weren't watching me gorge myself in the past but it's too late to regret it now. My friends walk past me looking at my plate with sad eyes but my eyes aren't sad or filled with jealously at all. I am very contented with my choice of this surgery, not regretting it for one second.

I am grateful for this wonderful organization I belong to. The friends who share the same interest (food notwithstanding) and I look forward to the next season of my beloved sport. Time will pass very quickly and hey, August is only 6 months away. I can wait!!!!! GO USC TROJANS - I am ready!!!


Lynn said...

I'm glad that you have no regrets regarding having had the surgery and I'm glad that you have such a comraderie with the other Moose members, but I just don't understand this interest in football. After all, it's a bunch of guys running back and forth on a field chasing after a ball that isn't even shaped right...then to top it all off they have so many time outs it makes 10 minutes feel like 50. Who knows maybe I'll feel differently if Ten decides to play.

Anonymous said...

but Lynn they are such cute hunks. I have had the opportunity to meet a few - heck I bought my Expedition from one of them who has a Jets superbowl ring (now holding that one was a real thrill - I almost forgot about that special one). I didn't buy the SUV for that reason - just so you know.

I just love the game. Baseball is my second favorite but usually I don't get interesting until the playoff games and of course the world series where I always hope my Angels will play. I got my love of both these games from Auntie E. She not Uncle B was the sports fan.

Joan said...

Am I sorry the end of football season has arrived? Heck no! Now we can have more golf tournament coverage by the networks! Oh goody, goody. ;-)