Friday, January 19, 2007

A Very Long Career

I have been an electronics buyer since 1969. That's a very long time. It's been a great career for me. When I started there were only a handful of women doing purchasing, and I loved hanging out with the guys including co-buyers and salesmen. Now that I am about 2 years away from retirement, I have been reflecting upon my life as a buyer. Most of the time was spent buying electronic components for the assorted companies I have worked for but every once in a while I've had the chance to buy something different. I have issued purchase orders for cars, banquet halls (too many to count), assorted electronics including transistor radios (as I said I have been a buyer for a very long time), microwave ovens for the lunchrooms, and by the name of this blog, you might have guessed that I also had the opportunity to buy a moose head. I will elaborate on in a future blog.

I have been given the chance to spend 3 months in Atlanta buying for a subsidiary and over the years have spent too many days in too many cities to remember.

Now, with only a couple of years before I retire you may wonder what the most unusual and best opportunity in 38 purchasing years was. Well it was the chance to hold an Academy Award. One of the companies I worked for manufactured lighting equipment for television studios, concert locations like Universal Amplitheatre, and movie set lighting. We won a special Academy Award for making the movie set of "The Mollie McGuires" (a true story about the striking coal miner's union in the 1800's) look exactly like inside of a very deep coal mine. Just holding the award, even if it wasn't mine to keep was truly an awsome experience to cherish a lifetime.

Yes, it has been a great career.


Joan said...

I had no idea you actually got to hold an Oscar...I'm so jealous. And what's this opportunity involving Atlanta?

Welcome to the blogosphere.

Lynn said...

Between Atlanta and holding an Oscar, I can see that there is a lot that I don't know about my only oldest. Glad you're in the "blogging family"

Rick said...

All that "buying" and we didn't get even ONE lousy Big screen TV. Oh well...we've still got two years...(hint, hint!)