Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy Birthday to Canada and Me

So here it is July 1 and both Canada and I are having another birthday. Fortunately I am a lot younger than Canada but still not a kid any longer, and to be honest, I can't believe I am 65 years old today. I have almost convinced myself that my parents lied about my age and I must be younger, but alas, it's true that I have reached the age which I have always considered old.
We had a company lunch today in honor of new successful products and our president took the opportunity to have everyone sing happy birthday to me which was wonderful.
My Canadian flag is hanging in front of my house as it always does on this day and tomorrow I will change it for the American Flag in celebration of July 4th.
So all in all, it's been another great birthday. I look forward to the next when I will actually be able to retire. Happy Birthday Canada. It's been great sharing this special day for the past 65 years and hope we have many more together.


Ralph said...

'Oh Canada we stand on guard for thee'

The last time I have been to Canada (Toronto) was decades agoEnjoyed my visit.

And to consider that the US and Canada share the longest undivided border in the world. and I like the red maple leaf. Happy Birthday!

Michele said...

Happy Birthday To YOU!!! You are 65 years young! Retirement in now only around the corner!

Yes, Canada has endured her 141st birthday and the celebrations were fantastic! The flag looked beautiful waving in your photo! =)

Patti said...

Happy Birthday Moosie! I'm a day late, but I'm here.

I hope it was fun. ;-)

the moose buyer said...

Ralph, the relationship between these two countries is like siblings, the countries fight but will defend each other always.

Michele I hope the fireworks were spectular. For a long time my dad convinced me they were for my birthday.

Patti, birthday was great. My co-workers decorated my cubicle and the company barbeque was super.