Monday, October 1, 2007

The Moose battle of the sexes continues

It's been a while since I reported on the goings on at our Moose Family Center because it's been a quiet month since the "keys" fiasco. I thought the battle was ended but apparently not.

Yesterday there was a pool tournament between our team and one from another lodge. It's customary to supply lunch to the participants and when it was time to serve lunch one of the players on our team, who also happens to be a past Senior Regent started to prepare lunch. When she went to use paper plates out of the pantry, she was told by the kitchen ChairMAN that the pool team should be supplying their own paper goods. This was the first time she was told this and it was a complete shock to her because the pool tournaments bring in quite a bit of money to the social quarters of the lodge. She tried to argue the point but the "man" became nit picky about it before he relented and allowed her to use the paper plates. Our past Regent was one very angry person.

This guy has no idea what a stupid mistake he made. Instead of trying to understand what was at stake, he angered one of the women who has for 14 years contributed food to EVERY lodge pot luck function. I am not talking a little food, I am talking potato salad, macaroni salad, cakes and much more. Now she is very upset with the attitude of the men and will probably discontinue bringing food to these functions.

So how stupid is that?? The battle of these new idiots continues and this time instead of keys to the freezer and fridge, it's about paper plates. Rather than learning how things have been done successfully for 18 years, these men are blindly going their own way. At some point, they will understand how much they are hurting the lodge by refusing to co-operate with the women because at some point, the women will start refusing to do what they have done for the lodge since the beginning, which is contributing food without charging the lodge. Unfortunately by then, these idiots will be long gone and our Moose Family Center will be the casualty. It makes me very sad to continue to watch without being able to help. As long as these men are officers, the decline will go on.


Joan said... Will they ever learn??? Sometimes they need a brick wall to fall on them before they see the light and, even then, there are some of that gender that never learn. I think having the women pull back completely might give them the scare they obviously need...or not.

Patti said...

They sound quite ignorant to me, Moosie.

the moose buyer said...

These men do have a different attitude from the founders of our organization that's for sure and none of the women, old timers or new ones understand their way of thinking. Should be an interesting next few years, especially if they continue the petty stuff.

Lynn said...

It's tough to watch "progress" systematically destroy (or threaten to destroy) something that the old-timers worked so hard to build. I'm thinking the women need to pull back for a time and see if that helps.

Odat said...

Some "people" just don't think, they just react...and have to suffer the consequences.

Midlife Mom said...

All of this over paper plates! How sad! Don't let it destroy what you have!!!