Tuesday, August 7, 2007

New Meme

Patti tagged me with this Meme today. It's 10 lies my mother told me. I can't think of 10 but I can think of a few:

You will absolutely drown if you go swimming sooner than 2 hours after you eat.

Your eyes will cross if you sit too close to the Television.

Too much restaurant food is bad for you (my dad didn't make much as a fireman when I was little and eating out was a HUGE luxury).

and my favorite: There are fireworks every year on this date because it's your birthday and the whole country is celebrating (July 1 is mine and Canada's birthday).

I absolutely have no idea how to tag anyone else but if I could, I would tag my cousin Joan.


Linda said...

I bet in your Mom's heart those fireworks were just for you every year!

I got tagged for this one by another blogger and I am having a heck of a time trying to figure out how to do it because my mother never lied to me!

What a conundrum!

Midlife Mom said...

My mother ALWAYS made us wait an hour before going back in swimming! That was the longest hour!! Now the kids hop right back in and no one has drown yet! Guess that blows that theory! haha!

Patti said...

Moose: you did it! Yay you!

Patti said...

I forgot about the swimming one! I definitely heard that one.

Joan said...

Ooooh...I forgot about the television one. FYI...it was tough but I accepted your tag (and Empress bee's) and did it as well. :~)

Lynn said...

I think that all of Canada is really celebrating your birthday on July 1st...the fact that it's also Canada Day is secondary. My aunt wouldn't have lied!

the moose buyer said...

I just remember the worst one and both my cousins will agree. "These hamburgers are good for you". Both our moms must have used an old family receipe because both made the worst hamburgers.

Joan's blog reminded me that my mom also told me I played the clarinet good. Fortunately my dad made me stop after only 6 lessons because I was truly awful and there was no hope of my getting better.

Patti said...

Moosie: I played the clarinet too. It's harder than it looks. I wasn't very good at it.