Monday, July 9, 2007

Am I back on here???

Since last Friday, I have been unable to creat anything on this blog. I never though I would admit this, but I have felt kind of lost. I had to be encouraged to do this by my cousin Joan (the Erstwhile Librarian) but now that I have been blogging for about 6 months and people have been responding to my blogs, it's been kind of exciting and I am really enjoying myself doing it.

I really don't have anything earth shattering to write today, except that I went back to the dentist last Thursday and had the two teeth the dentist worked on before my vacation permanently capped and also had a good cleaning. There wasn't any pain so I was a very brave soldier. Now comes the tough part. I still have to have a tooth pulled on the right side, an implant and cap completed for it. I must make an appointment with another dentist to pull the tooth, but still haven't gathered up the guts to do it. As I said in prior, I am not very brave when it comes to going to the dentist. One day soon, I will make the appoint since I plan to get everything done by the end of summer.

I am happy to be back on track (at least I think this will show up) and I thank everyone for your comments.


Patti said...

Um, I actually didn't read your posts about going to the dentist because I too am afraid to go and it has been too long since I have been to a dentist. Plus no insurance so it is going to a be a major expense.
It was a topic I didn't want to face.

My bad.

Joan said...

Hi! I'm glad to read this dentist visit wasn't too too painful. I can't wait to see you with your bright new smile when it's all over (of course I plan on seeing you even before then!) And don't worry about not having much to say...I never have anything important to share but that hasn't stopped me so far. :~)

Patti said...

I'm with Joan... I never talk about really important stuff. It's just fun to write. The more I write, the better I feel.

sari said...

If you don't have anything to write about, then don't. It should be fun.

I started blogging about two years ago but it took a long time to actually figure out what I was doing. Most of the time I still wonder, but you just move on. :-)

Thanks for stopping by my blog, by the way! I actually am a Southern California native but I live in Arizona right now with my husband and sons.

Lynn said...

Congrats on having one more dentist visit 'under your belt'. Can't wait to see your winning smile.

Mom said...

So you are a moose? What do mooses do?
I too was at the dentist today. I hate going. I had broken a tooth though and had to go.
thanks for stopping by my blog. I'll see you again

Michele said...

Icky, me hate dentists... lalala... not listening... lalala...

Ralph said...

Moose, glad you're still here. Agree with Patti about the lack of insurance, but since you have it, take care of your teeth! Everything they do, including pulling the tooth will be worth it! Your blog is good, blog only when you want, this is not work!