Tuesday, June 12, 2007


The title is a little comment I saw that Paris told Barbara Walters yesterday.

I didn't know God was lost because if He were, there would have been a lot of people searching for Him a long time before Paris realized He was missing.

If it's really true that she is turning over a new leaf as she indicated to Barbara, then best of luck to her. If on the other hand, she is inflicted with the remorse bug because she is incarcerated and once she gets out will revert to her former shallow life, then I pity her because I don't think God will be too happy to have His name taken for granted or used as a publicity stunt.


Pam said...

Definitely a wait-and-see thing, isn't it?

Joan said...

Ahhhhhh...thy name is "cynic."

Lynn said...

I'm thinking that once she gets out, she will be looking for him at the local bars.

Patti said...

seems like many people find God when they end up in prison.

I didn't realize God was lost either!
