Wednesday, April 18, 2007


It seems all the 5 cousins are counting days right now. One of my cousins works for the school board and she is counting days until summer vacation and the other cousin and her hubby are going to Ireland in June so she too is counting days.

By co-incidence, I am also counting days. I also have a trip planned in June (no, not to Ireland) and I will be spending time with my brother whom I haven't seen in about 4 years. He and I will meet with some friends in Iowa and spend a week with them checking out houses and towns since we plan to retire there in two years. I am assuming that my brother is also counting the days until he too is on vacation.

The last of the 5 cousins is in the process of moving at the end of April so she too is counting days until the move is completed.

When it dawned on me that all of us were counting days, I was in shock. What happens when all this wishing is over and life returns to the normal every day occurance. We will be a grumpy pack of cousins that's what will happen. At least we will all be in the same mood at the same time!! Isn't that something to forward to in September???


Patti said...

just in time for a fun family reunion, I'd say

Lynn said...

Wow! That is so great that you will see your brother, my cousin. I think that to be sure that you want to move to Iowa, you should both try visiting it in the heat of summer...and in the dead of winter...just a thought.

Patti said...

I never heard of anyone retiring to Iowa. But I don't get around too much.

Joan said...

I'm happy to hear that at least one of us will see your brother soon. Remember...I'm expecting you to poke him in the ribs as a reminder that we here would like a visit from him soon!